Riding Romance 2—Das Nebelmeer
In the production trilogy Riding Romance, choreographer Henriette Pedersen takes three iconic works of Romanticism—and creates her own scenic reactions to these. This second installment of the series is a reaction to Caspar David Friedrich’s painting Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer. The production was developed during the residency program W17 at Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo together with Frido Evers, Kristine Karåla Øren, Elisaeth Breen Berger, Tilo Hahn et al.
During three showings, the atelier was opened to the public as well as a small collection of specially invited “respondents.” In the same way that Pedersen and her team have, through their process, shaken to pieces and explored Friedrich and his painting, Kristin Berget, Diana Damian Martin and Julian Blaue were invited to contribute textual reactions to the scenic portrayals. The texts are collected in the book, together with an introductory essay by editor Anette Therese Pettersen and photographic documentation by Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson.