Commercial Sample is a project conforming to the international customs regulations stating that a book can only be sent as a gift from a private individual to another private individual: A donation or a gift from an artist, a small press or a self-publisher—to a library, a gallery or a private individual—can or will be subject to import duties and taxes and are often returned to the sender after circulating within the grey zones of the postal system.

This publication is created as a commercial sample in the spirit of the Mail art tradition, exploiting the vocabulary of the customs system in order to be subject to duty relief and VAT exemption. For the purpose of qualifying to be identified as a sample, it has been altered to be made unsuitable for resale by means of perforation and rubber stamping. This publication may never be sold commercially and is to be imported solely with the intention of obtaining future orders for the type of goods it represents.

Shipped in brown kraft paper circulation bag with punched holes.